We had a small but successfull gig at VeloBerlin at the Cargobike & Family Special Area, like always wonderfully hosted by Arne cargobike.jetzt. Thankks to Tommy aka cargovelo.services, Bastiaen dealer, mechanic and man-for-everything. Of course both of us participated in Cargobike Race Berlin, but physical (Sven...) or mental (Tommy...) condition (or rather lack hereof) made for an early end. Bastiaen relay team did reasonably well (3 out of 4).

After many months of development, production and organization behind the scenes it is always a treat to roll out a bike once a year and experience, that an eager audience understands and appreciates the unique Bastiaen concept.





Sven Bastiaen Schulz

Maarweg 29
D-53123 Bonn
+49 (0)228 96100479


UStID DE242681564

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