cutting edge | scissors | 2011


This pair of scissors was developed as a giveway together with the DIgital Manufacturing Research Centre of Paderborn University. The design is based on a sishu nigiri, the traditional japanese scissors, that are blacksmithed from a single piece of steel. Our cutting edge version is manufactured in SLS from recycled powder.

Searching for a table-top stove fitting on a certain teapot, we devised a simple parametric 3D file that achieves an astonishing variance ranging from bird´s nest to cauliflower...

We are cutting edge. Gemeinsam mit dem Digital Manufacturing Research Centre der Uni Paderborn entstand diese Schere als Werbeträger für die Euromold. Die Form orientiert sich an einer Sishu Nigiri, der traditionellen japanischen Schere, die ohne Gelenk geschmiedet wird. Die Scheren werden aus Altpulver lasergesintert und erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit.

This project was developed as a showcase for mass customization integration a technical product and a web based configurator in a realistic business case. The customer configures his specific lighting situation. The physical shape of the actual lighting fixture is adapted automaticaly to produce exactly this light.

Auf der Suche nach einem passenden Stövchen entstand ein einfaches parametrisches Modell, das eine verblüffende gestalterische Varianz erlaubt. Zwischen Vogelnest und Blumenkohl...



Sven Bastiaen Schulz

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